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They're gone...

On Sunday, I said good-bye to my babies who left to stay with their dad for the summer. Six weeks to be exact. They took a LONG flight to Florida and won't be back until late July. It was tough to say the least.

Six. Weeks. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a night to myself without the girls. I love getting a babysitter for the evening. Paying someone else to bathe them and do the tucking in song and dance is a nice break every now and then. I kind of enjoy the quiet when they are with their dad for the weekend--you know, Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. I get to sleep in and relax. No one asking for food or drinks or wiping. Eating my food when it's actually hot instead of having to get up from the table umpteen times to refill a drink or cut up food or clean up a spill before I finally get to "enjoy" my cold food. Only to be interrupted about 14 other times for random things. And constantly telling my kids "sit back down while you eat," "use two hands to hold your drink," "don't hit your sister," "yes you can have dessert after you eat your food," "just three more good bites," "is your tummy full, because this is dinner...the kitchen is closed after this so don't ask for more food later." Any mom knows it's exhausting.

But. Six. Weeks. That's a loooong time. And since they're in Florida, they're off at the beach, and Disney World, and in a new place that's fun and exciting with Disney Dad who they don't see very often instead of with boring old Mom who does all the bedtimes and bathtimes and mealtimes and cleans up messes and helps with homework and all the other regular stuff during the school year. And now they get a break from me to go off and have fun with Disney Dad. Believe me, I wouldn't want it the other way around. And I'm thankful that I have a co-parent who actually wants to spend time with his kids. I need a break every now and then from solo parenting.

But. Six. Weeks. I'm 4 days in, and I'm doing fine. I'm staying busy. I'm talking to adults uninterrupted. I'm enjoying the quiet. My house stays cleaner. And I have plans. Plans for my own beach trip. Plans for a girls weekend. Plans for coffee with friends. Plans for happy hours. Plans to do some organizing and cleaning of my garage. Plans to paint a couple rooms. And plans to visit them for a weekend when Lily turns 7 in early July. I'll be just fine. It'll fly by.

But six weeks is a long time without Mommy. Tonight I was FaceTiming the girls and Lily was climbing onto the top bunk while holding the iPad because she wanted to show me something in her new bed, and she fell and started crying. I couldn't really see much, but heard Disney Dad come in to console her. He hugged her and loved on her, and told her she needed to be careful climbing to the top bunk. But it was hard. I'm her Mommy. I couldn't be there for my baby. It's weird, but these are the moments I actually think I'll miss most. The ones when I'm needed. The ones that happen every day. They need their Mommy and I won't be there.

Friends, I'll be fine. But feel free to check in on me often. I'll be lonely without those two crazy girls. I really do hope they are enjoying their summer in Florida.

Meet Katie

Hi, friends! I'm Katie, mom of two crazy girls, Lily & Louisa, wife to my even crazier husband, Mark, and stepmom to two crazy boys, Logan and Colton. I'm so glad you're here, and I'm excited to share our adventures with you! Thanks for stopping by!

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